Cyber-Physical Systems and Autonomy

We are taking a national leadership role in the area of underwater, ground-based and aerial autonomous systems, bio-inspired systems, robotics, sensing, and autonomous vehicles. We are able to leverage our state-of-the-art facilities in mechatronics rapid prototyping as well as cyber-physical systems and manufacturing with our strong industrial ties.
Bio-Inspired Engineering Research (BIER) Laboratory
Lab Director: Hilary Bart-Smith
Current research teams are engaged in a broad array of issues related to reverse engineering of biological systems, including central pattern generator control, active tensegrity structures with integrated actuation, electro-active polymers (artificial skin/muscle), and hydrodynamics.
Capillary Micro Mechatronics Research Group (CMMRG)
Lab Director: Carl R. Knospe
Research efforts are underway to better understand the electrowetting of conductive liquids on insulated electrodes and to optimize materials and geometry to enhance electrowetting performance.
Flow Simulations Research Group (FSRG)
Lab Director: Haibo Dong
The Flow Simulation Research Group focuses on understanding the physics of complex flows of flying and swimming in nature by combining state-of-the-art computational methods, experimental tools, and theoretical fluid dynamics research.
Intelligent Systems Lab
Lab Director: Dr. Qing (Cindy) Chang
The Intelligent Systems Lab conducts research on development of next-generation analytics and control frameworks for smart manufacturing powered by domain knowledge, advanced robotics, big data, IoT, and machine learning techniques.
Mechatronics Lab
Lab Director: Gavin Garner
Mechatronics involves the synergistic integration of Mechanical Engineering with electronics and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes.