Rice 403 ​
PO Box 400740
Charlottesville, VA 22904


Aaron Bloomfield is a professor who joined the department of Computer Science in 2004. He earned his BS and MS in Computer Science at SUNY Stony Brook, and his Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania in 2003. His research focuses on computer science education, specializing in assessment systems and systems to expedite grading while increasing it's efficacy. He has a heavy emphasis on teaching, and he created the CS department's Service Learning Practicum, a two semester capstone for CS majors. He has won over a dozen teaching awards, including the Hartfield-Jefferson Teaching Prize, Trigon Engineering Society's Hutchinson Award, and an All-University teaching award.


B.S. ​SUNY Stony Brook, 1996

M.S. ​SUNY Stony Brook, 1997

Ph.D. ​University of Pennsylvania, 2003

Post-Doc ​​University of Pennsylvania, 2004, with Norman Badler

Research Interests

Computer Science Education ​
Software Engineering​​​

Selected Publications

"A Programming Contest Strategy Guide". Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), March 2016, Memphis, TN. Aaron Bloomfield and Borja Sotomayor
"A Service Learning Practicum Capstone". Proceedings of the 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), March 2014, Atlanta, GA. Aaron Bloomfield, Mark Sherriff, and Kara Williams.
"Evolution of a Digital Paper Exam Grading System". Frontiers In Education, October 2010, Arlington, VA. Aaron Bloomfield
"A Tablet-based Paper Exam Grading System". Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), pages 83-87, 2008. Aaron Bloomfield and James F. Groves
"Virtual Training via Vibrotactile Arrays." Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, April, 2008, volume 17, number 2, pages 103–120. Aaron Bloomfield and Norman Badler

Courses Taught

CS 1110: Introduction to Computing 5 Semesters Spring '05, Fall '05, Spring '06, Fall '06, Spring '07
CS 1111: Introduction to Computing, advanced section 1 Semester: Fall '04
CS 2102: Discrete Math 3 Semesters: Fall '04, Spring '05, Spring '07
CS 2150: Program and Data Representation 20 Semesters: Every Fall and Spring Semester From Fall '07 Through Spring '17
CS 4102: Algorithms 2 Semesters: Fall '10, Spring '11
CS 4240: Object Oriented Design 3 Semesters: Spring '06, Spring '08, Fall '09
CS 4501: Advanced Algorithms and Implementations 1 Semester: Fall '11
CS 4610: Programming Languages 1 Semester: Fall '05
CS 4630: Dark Arts 8 Semesters: Spring '09, Summer '10, Summer '11, Spring '12, Summer '12, Summer '16, Summer '17, Fall '17
CS 4730: Computer Game Design 3 Semesters: Fall '08, Spring '10, Fall '11
CS 4810: Computer Graphics 3 Semesters: Fall '06, Fall '07, Summer '09
CS 4970: Capstone Practicum I, a.k.a. Service Learning Practicum 7 Semesters: Spring '12, and Each Fall From 2012 to 2017
CS 4971: Capstone Practicum II, a.k.a. Service Learning Practicum 4 Semesters: Each Spring From 2013 to 2016
ENGR 3580: The Science Of Beer Brewing 3 Semesters: Spring '08, Spring '09, Spring '10
ENGR 3580: Wine Engineering 2 Semesters: Fall '07, Fall '08


All-University Teaching Award (university-wide award) 2016
International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Coach Award 2014
Raven Society Membership, a UVa honor society for service contributions to UVa 2014
P.U.M.P.K.I.N. Society (a UVa secret society) commendation 2012
Hartfield-Jefferson Scholars Teaching Prize (one of the two top UVa Engineering school-wide teaching awards) 2011
Harold S. Morton Teaching Prize (the other one of the two top UVa Engineering school-wide teaching awards) 2011
Phi Eta Sigma honor society Faculty Teaching Award (UVa honor society; university-wide award) 2009
Sigma Alpha Lambda Chapter Adviser of the Year award (national honor society; national award) 2008
ACM Professor of the year (UVa departmental-wide teaching award) 2008
Trigon Engineering Society's Thomas Hutchinson Faculty Award (UVa Engineering school-wide teaching award) 2006
ACM Professor of the year (UVa departmental-wide teaching award) 2006
Rodman Scholars Professor of the year (UVa Engineering school-wide teaching award) 2006
ACM Professor of the year (UVa departmental-wide teaching award) 2006
Teaching Assistant of the Year (University of Pennsylvania university-wide award) 2000
Teaching Assistant of the Year (University of Pennsylvania departmental award) 1999