ChE 210
​WDF A003
385 McCormick Road
Charlottesville, VA 22908
Google Scholar Giri Research Group


Prof. Giri graduated from Chemical Engineering at Stanford University, working on the crystallization control of organic semiconductors for flexible electronic applications. His postdoctoral work focused on the use of microfluidics and continuous flow processing for pharmaceutical industry. The Giri research group is focused on studying the fundamental processes (thermodynamic, kinetic, mechanical and optical) that lead to different organic molecule and metal organic framework morphologies, and utilizing this knowledge to create innovative methods of controlling microstructure and phase for pharmaceutical and energy applications. Microfluidics and X-ray diffraction analysis methods feature strongly in our program to study organic molecule packing and morphology.


B.S. ​California Institute of Technology, 2008

Ph.D. ​Stanford University, 2013

Post-Doc ​Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013-2016

Studying the fundamental processes (thermodynamic, kinetic, mechanical and optical) that lead to controlled organic molecule morphologies.

Gaurav Giri Assistant Professor

Research Interests

Materials and Advanced Manufacturing for Biological Applications
Drug Delivery
Optoelectronic Devices
Materials Characterization
Nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing
Solar Power
Battery/Fuel Cell Technologies/Energy Harvesting

Selected Publications

“Large Area Formation of Self-Aligned Crystalline Domains of Organic Semiconductors Directly on Transistor Channels using CONNECT.” 2015Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (18): 5561-5566. G. Giri, S. Park, G. Pitner, L. Shaw, J. Ha, J. Koo, J. Park, J. Nam, Z. Bao
"Effect of Solution Shearing Method on Packing and Disorder of Organic Semiconductor Polymers." 2015 Chemistry of Materials 27 (7): 2350-2359. G. Giri, D.M. Delongchamp, J. Reinspach, D.A. Fischer, L.J. Richter, J. Xu, S. Benight, A. Ayzner, L. Fang, G. Xue, M.F. Toney, Z. Bao
"One-Dimensional Self-Confinement Promotes Polymorph Selection in Large Area Organic Semiconductor Thin Films." Nature Communications 2014. 5, 3573. G. Giri, R. Li, D.M. Smilgies, E.Q. Li, Y. Diao, K.M. Lenn, M. Chiu, D.W. Lin, R. Allen, J. Reinspach, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, S.T. Thoroddsen, P. Clancy, Z. Bao, A. Amassian
"High Mobility, Aligned, Crystalline Domains of TIPS-pentacene with Strained Lattice through Lateral Confinement of Crystal Growth." Advanced Materials 26 (3): 487-493. G. Giri, S. Park, M. Vosgueritchian, M.M. Shulaker, Z. Bao
"Tuning Charge Transport in Solution-sheared Organic Semiconductors using Lattice Strain." Nature 480 2011 (7378): 504-508. G. Giri, E. Verploegen, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, S. Atahan-Evernk, D.H. Kim, S.Y. Lee, H.A. Becerril, A. Aspuru-Guzik, M.F. Toney, Z. Bao
"Solution-processed Ultra-High Mobility Transparent Organic Thin Film Transistors with a Meta-stable Semiconductor Channel." Nature Communications 2014 5, 3005. Y. Yuan, G. Giri, A. Ayzner, A.P. Zoombelt, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, J. Chen, J. Huang, Z. Bao
"Printing Highly Aligned, Large Single-crystalline Domain Organic Semiconductors." Nature Materials, 12 : 665-671. Y. Diao, B.C.K. Tee, G. Giri, J. Xu, H.A. Becerril, R.S. Stoltenberg, T.H. Lee, G. Xue, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, Z. Bao
"Selective Solution Shearing Deposition of High Performance TIPS-Pentacene Polymorphs Through Chemical Patterning." Journal of Material Science 2014 29 (22), 2615-2624. G. Giri, E. Miller, Z. Bao
"Toward High-Mobility Organic Field-Effect Transistors: Control of Molecular Packing and Large-Area Fabrication of Single-Crystal Based Devices." MRS Bulletin 2013. 38 (01): 34-42. 2013. G. Giri, H. Li, J. Tok, Z. Bao

Courses Taught

ChE2216: Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering


Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source – Graduate Student Award 2015
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory – Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award 2013
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company – 6 th Outstanding Student Research Gold Award 2012
American Chemical Society (ACS) Akzonobel Student Award Finalist 2012
Materials Research Society (MRS) Gold Graduate Student Award 2012
Graduated with Honors from Caltech. 2008
William N. Lacey SURF Scholar 2007
Dale Austin Scholarship 2006–2007